How to Stay in Love in a Marriage

wedding rings

Cherish your marriage forever (Photo credit:

Recently, my husband I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. I was feeling like “Wow, it’s been that long?” To me, the years went by just so fast. Nothing really changed – as in we still love each other very much. We still hold hands whenever we go out, talk to each other affectionately and share our common interests together like eating good food and travelling. It’s so important to know how to stay in love in a marriage.

Remember the time you first fell in love? The butterflies in your stomach? The tongue-tied situations that you were forced to be put into? Wasn’t all that EXCITING?

How has your love life been so far since you got married? If you feel that you are both getting bored of each other and would like to work towards creating a greater bond in your marriage, below are some of the things that I feel could help you to stay in love in your precious marriage. Cherish your marriage – because it is one of the most beautiful gifts of your life.

Tips on How to Stay in Love in a Marriage

Kiss each other daily

YES – daily! No excuses. Even a quick peck on the cheek before you go to work or when he/she is halfway busy doing the dishes will help keep the spark alive between the two of you. It also helps to show appreciation towards each other.

Accept your spouse’s flaws

It was your spouse’s good qualities that first attracted you to him/her. But while you were dating, you would usually forget about the bad sides of him/her until you actually get married. The truth is – part of loving your spouse means accepting him/her for who he/she is – the good and the bad.

Find common interests

Having common interests in life often helps to bring a married couple closer together. It could be travelling, movies, food, sports or shopping – whatever you both fancy! Try to find that connection and work on it. That way, you both won’t get bored with each other.

Spend time with each other

If you’re a very busy person with a super tight schedule – always put your spouse as a priority whenever you have free time.

Always make sure to set aside time every week to just sit down with your spouse. It could be a movie/dinner date, a planned outing or a walk around the housing area. Just try and spend some time with your spouse without interruptions from other people. Your friends can always wait.

Confide with your spouse before anyone else

Whenever you are going through a tough situation – whether it’s to do with money or work, your spouse should be the first person you would go to – NOT your mom, your siblings or your best friend.

Show appreciation

Just a simple act like cooking his/her favourite meal, washing the dishes or buying him/her something he/she likes will go a long way to show your appreciation.

Encourage one another

Loving your spouse also means encouraging him/her throughout his/her life journey. If your
spouse would like to pursue a certain ambition in life – be it a career path or a specific
bucket list (as in – things he/she would like to achieve before he/she dies), then you should
encourage and nurture that ambition, especially if it’s a positive ambition.

I guess that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed reading my article on How to Stay in Love in a Marriage. Which of the tips did you like the best? Or do you have any other tips to share?

Caroline Poh

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